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Looking for the title

adoboislyf April 18, 2021 8:31 am

Hello, I’m back at it again with the questions

Anyway, I read this manga years ago (like3~4 years) and all I can remember is the story. It’s a collection of one-shots about mental illness.

1st chapter - A young boy often sees “aliens”. It became apparent that he’s being abused and whenever he’s being r*ped, he sees aliens like its his coping mechanism. What’s worse is that not only his doctor abuses him, but he can also “see aliens” when he’s home. It’s a sad story. I just can’t shake it out of my head bc it feels too real.

2nd and 3rd chapter - One’s about DID and one’s about being a hoarder. Idk which one is it.

I hope you can help me. It’s an on-going manga at that time, or the translation is on-going, idk.

Edit: it’s “Ore Higaisha” (see comments below by un @Enuj). I got rhe chapters mixed and the 1st chapter is actually the 4th. Thanks so much!
