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I guess common sense is not common

Caramel_ April 18, 2021 3:43 pm

If anyone is interested in supporting the author, you can read the chapters on Manta (the app) but it will cost almost $4 per month. I think it’s a good deal for the price because you will also have access to other stories from Korea including this one instead of a pay-per episode. I noticed while I was reading the reviews for Manta (the app) that people were complaining you have to pay money to read these stories and that they couldn’t see why they won’t make the stories free to read? Like obviously they will charge money, because how else are they going to pay their artists and creators? If you’re broke, stop complaining. Right now I’m not in a financial situation where I can subscribe to Manta (the app), but once I am I will make sure to support the author because I really appreciate their hard work. I’m not asking for everyone to support the author, I understand that not everyone has the financial capacity to do so. I just want people to stop complaining to the app that they can’t afford to subscribe and that Manta should just make the stories free, because it comes off as entitled, since they are not thinking of the creators who need to get paid for their work.
