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Do you know this manga about two DJs that fall in love ?

Meghan April 3, 2016 8:15 pm

ok so i remember that the story kinda goes like this: the seme is a tall guy with black hair, and the uke is a boy with straight blond hair that goes to his jaw, and who wears western club. So they meet in a club, and the seme has been a DJ for some time, but the uke is new and getting popular. i think the seme gets angry and jealous because of that ? and then they have sex in a bathroom. so after that they meet up again and again, and some stuff happens, the seme won't realize that he's in love with the uke, and then the uke listens to the semes music, and kinda falls in love with that. Then theres a big misunderstanding and some jealousy, and then they realize that they are in love, and live happily ever after. Have been looking for this manga for some time now, and would appreciate it if you could tell me the name!
