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Its was hot and great. The only catch is how easy for them to be tempted. First, the seme ...

yaoi lover December 3, 2012 5:05 pm

Its was hot and great. The only catch is how easy for them to be tempted. First, the seme cheated, got caught by the uke. The uke then slept with a girl. He concluded that its OK now since they both cheated. WTF?

    Vampire Queen August 1, 2013 10:50 am

    Im so with you on that one, I dislike cheaters!!!

    kimchow November 24, 2013 8:10 am

    i know right like how can they so easily blow off cheating like it aint worth sh#% like for real. it really made me want to stop reading becuase i kind of lost interest but still i kept reading and personally the best part in this whole maga was when i got to see ryo's shirtless body like why cant all guys look like that i wanted so bad to be in the same bed the same room would be nice as well haha