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I kinda forgot the title of this shoujo romance manga, about a highschool girl she's like ...

Nissiehh April 20, 2021 4:54 pm

I kinda forgot the title of this shoujo romance manga, about a highschool girl she's like a trendy girl and has many friends, and the man she likes lives next door and he is older than her, so the man sometimes eat with her and her father, and like the guy knows the girl likes him, but he knows that he is too old for her so he decided to just think about her as like a little sister.

    Mikaki April 20, 2021 5:01 pm

    Im not sure but scum's wish is something similar to what you said

    Nissiehh April 20, 2021 5:33 pm
    Im not sure but scum's wish is something similar to what you said Mikaki

    No it's more on a safe manga, I think the girl is a what you call a gyaruu