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This story was promising at first but then everything went south

Mahk971 April 20, 2021 5:28 pm

I have so much to say ... this story was so promising but then everything went south.

-I hate Haero, he’s a manipulative coward who kept running away from Don then barging into his life and wreck everything. He ran away 3 times because he couldn’t handle their relationship. What he did after reappearing into Don’s life 10 years later was disgusting, for Don but for Nami as well. He didn’t care that Don had a new life (a good job, a 10 year’s girlfriend, an appartement...), he decided that after throwing him away, he wanted him again. The cherry on the cake was the suicide threat, that’s such a bitchy move.

-Don was dumb and dense asf. I was proud of him when he rejected Haero after everything he’s done to him, but oh well .. Don is dumb, so he decided to throw away his life for a childhood love who ran away from him 3 times ! Their relationship is not certain at all, even in the prologue Haero was still thinking about letting Don go away.

-Nami well ... sorry but I have no sympathy for her. She choose her life when she decided to be a beard for an homosexual 10 years ago. She knew damn well Don was gay and in love with Haero but still choose to be the third wheel. She’s pathetic. Even letting the man who stole her ex future husband claiming HER son as his son. Smh !

The author choose to do the 10 years timeskip + the breakup just for them to end up together although their relationship was extremely toxic and uncertain. I don’t understand Don choice here when the guy had everything with Nami. It’s not everyone who’re meant to be together, unfortunately majority of authors want to force toxic people to be in toxic relationship just for the sake of a good ending.
