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Just A Quick Reminder

Kompakun April 20, 2021 5:53 pm

1. Do not invalidate other people's feelings just because your tolerance is higher to some things. (Ex. Rape)

2. Be responsible for what you do. If you decide to do something then you are the one at fault for how you feel about it, because we cannot control that and the world does not revolve around your opinions. (Ex. What you read)

3. Be kind to others and stop getting mad about something that you should've known you'd be dealing with. If you know it's controversial, then I suggest you do not speak on it unless you wish for a debate. (Ex. Translators statements)

That is all I have to say about what you should be aware of. This situation personally does not involve me and I enjoyed the story/art even though the translation was kind of crappy, so I have no complaints. However, I am getting tired of translators interrupting the story to add their input, you are breaking the immersion and I do not appreciate it. If you have something to say, do not say it in between blank parts of the manga because it is extremely annoying.

I personally do not care how any of you feel and I just wish to enjoy the manga and the hard work the artists and authors went through to make it. I do not like the translators shoving paragraphs about their own personal opinions everywhere, because it is annoying. I will feel how I wish to feel about the story, I do not care if you like, dislike, misunderstand, or are even angry about something involving the plot.

Just don't interrupt the story. Please and thank you.
