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uhmmm excuse me?!

Chinchin April 20, 2021 11:15 pm

uhmmm excuse me?!

This is just full bullshit...
first of all, why do you think he is not his biological parent? this is so disrespectful, must be hard to hear for xu ci nian...(I don't remember ci nian telling cheng that he wasn't wowo's biological father, maybe I'm wrong)

secondly, why would it be better for a child to be with his biological parents who maybe didn't love him, maybe abused him, etc... while his adoptive parents love him and give him all the love he needs? moreover, I don't believe that having two biological parents means 2 times more love. the child just needs lots of love and it doesn't matter if it's all given by one parent, grandparents, siblings, adoptive parents or just the people who are present in the child's life. plus, wtf is a complete family for cheng? ugh it annoys me sooo much!
i was so pissed off when i read that sentence... why is he getting involved in something he has no idea about? maybe his biological parents were dead. plus the "oh biological parents are so much better than adoptive parents" thing pisses me off.

well i hope it was clear english is not my first language but i needed to say something :)

    mineldolit April 21, 2021 11:35 am

    you are so fuckn right. seme ( papa of the child) sometimes acts like such an asshole.