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Tendou grew up in that environment so she can't help being like that BUT that gives her no...

seisdimples April 22, 2021 1:17 am

Tendou grew up in that environment so she can't help being like that BUT that gives her no right to treat everybody like they were enemies, especially the ones who tried to befriend her. She's immature but that doesn't justify her behavior, she just needs to learn.

    v05 April 22, 2021 2:19 pm

    this i agree with most !!
    i know someone who was bullied ruthlessly and even isolated, to the point they were traumatized, but they are the sweetest to others because they don't want others to suffer the same way

    Thirsty April 22, 2021 2:58 pm

    umm, as much as I want to agree and do so I still don't think unwelcome help is also something to be appreciated? I mean she never really asked for them to mind her business but they just do it and don't get me wrong I'm happy that they do especially with everything else that is gone unfold but she also has the right to cut people out when they get involved in your life and give their own opinion and such when you didn't even ask for it in first place.

    v05 April 22, 2021 3:17 pm
    umm, as much as I want to agree and do so I still don't think unwelcome help is also something to be appreciated? I mean she never really asked for them to mind her business but they just do it and don't get me... Thirsty

    no, i agree with you too !! it's a nuisance when people stick their noses in, but she does it in a really hurtful way sometimes which i don't think is all that nice~
    in the end, i really am in no position to judge because i'll never know what it's like to grow up in her place, but at the same time, it's hard for me to not empathize with tsubasa because she too is trying her best, you know ?

    Thirsty April 22, 2021 3:39 pm
    no, i agree with you too !! it's a nuisance when people stick their noses in, but she does it in a really hurtful way sometimes which i don't think is all that nice~in the end, i really am in no position to jud... v05

    To be honest, she is not very hurtful she is straightforward and to the point. She knows her comfort zone and she sets lines and barriers without really leading people on.

    But she does intentionally say things in a more hurtful way towards the ones trying to help her because she too doesn't want to be attached to people just to be abandoned again. Is her defense mechanism not necessarily to keep others away but to isolate herself so that she wouldn't be hurt and abandoned again.

    I on the other hand don't understand Tsubasa I find her to be beyond childish and not understanding despite the fact that she thinks she is trying to understand others.
    She is so focused on others that she doesn't understand how her action could impact those around her. she takes her bf for granted and she is too hanged upon the past and lacks communication.

    I find it funny how polar opposite both girls are, Tendou wears her issues on her sleeve and is actually quite open about her issues despite her hush attitude while Tsubasa acts like she has no issues and is fine when she can't even admit to herself her issues.

    v05 April 22, 2021 4:09 pm

    yes, her defense mechanism is unnecessary in my opinion. instead of saying things intentionally to hurt others' feelings, just word it like any other person would.
    i think both girls are doing things that are hurting others, but some of the things tendou has done make me really disgusted with her. i don't like people who intentionally hurt others~

    seisdimples April 22, 2021 4:19 pm
    yes, her defense mechanism is unnecessary in my opinion. instead of saying things intentionally to hurt others' feelings, just word it like any other person would. i think both girls are doing things that are h... v05

    yes exactly! that's why I also said she's is immature, because it's okay if she wants to cut some people off because they find them in a way annoying but there are ways to do it, being straightforward doesn't mean being rude

    v05 April 22, 2021 4:22 pm
    yes exactly! that's why I also said she's is immature, because it's okay if she wants to cut some people off because they find them in a way annoying but there are ways to do it, being straightforward doesn't m... seisdimples

    v05 April 22, 2021 4:23 pm
    yes exactly! that's why I also said she's is immature, because it's okay if she wants to cut some people off because they find them in a way annoying but there are ways to do it, being straightforward doesn't m... seisdimples

    my message completely cut off:')))) yes, i agree !

    Thirsty April 22, 2021 4:48 pm
    yes, her defense mechanism is unnecessary in my opinion. instead of saying things intentionally to hurt others' feelings, just word it like any other person would. i think both girls are doing things that are h... v05

    hehe, I don't think we can agree xD
    Her defense mechanism is necessary for her so I don't think we can comment on that. I on't find her to be immature, I never once found anything Tendou saying to be hurtful and nothing about her has ever disgusted me.
    So I guess we have to agree to disagree, i will not take anymore of your time :D
    Have a good day.

    v05 April 22, 2021 4:58 pm
    hehe, I don't think we can agree xD Her defense mechanism is necessary for her so I don't think we can comment on that. I on't find her to be immature, I never once found anything Tendou saying to be hurtful an... Thirsty

    ok !

    LaNansha April 25, 2021 5:11 am
    umm, as much as I want to agree and do so I still don't think unwelcome help is also something to be appreciated? I mean she never really asked for them to mind her business but they just do it and don't get me... Thirsty

    Absolutely with you on this.

    LaNansha April 25, 2021 5:17 am
    yes, her defense mechanism is unnecessary in my opinion. instead of saying things intentionally to hurt others' feelings, just word it like any other person would. i think both girls are doing things that are h... v05

    Unnecessary? How the F can a defense mechanism be unnecessary when it’s the very thing that helped her go through the mess she experienced without breaking to pieces? You do realize that her life went to shxt from back when she was what looks like a 5 year old up to her middle school years, right? So basically one or two years ago. So now, what? Our FL and every other character is such a treasure that she should just forget all about her defense mechanism so they can be at ease around her?!

    I’m sorry, but as someone who has built a lot of those defense mechanism that I’m still learning to let go of, your comment pissed me straight off. If you don’t understand why she’s got those defenses still running on oil, that’s fine. But to say something thoughtless like that is kind of messed up. Just my opinion.

    v05 April 25, 2021 1:27 pm
    Unnecessary? How the F can a defense mechanism be unnecessary when it’s the very thing that helped her go through the mess she experienced without breaking to pieces? You do realize that her life went to shxt... LaNansha

    defense mechanism are not unnecessary, i think the specific things she does are necessary, like ***SPOILER SPOILER*** when she confesses to yuu and grabs his arm and shit, that's not necessary, it's so immature. i mentioned earlier, i think both tendou and tsubasa are both immature, both no better than the other, but tsubasa wasn't doing things to actively hurt tendou, whereas tendou is going out of her way to affect both tsubasa, yuu, and jun****

    i'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, it's really just so sad when i see hurt people hurting others. that's not how we fix problems, that's how bullies are born. everything she's done to hurt tsubasa yuu and jun isn't "helping" them either, and it's not helping her either.

    i don't want to add more to this post anymore, but thanks a lot for everyone's perspective~ i'll be sure to word things more accurately and empathetically next time !

    Thirsty April 25, 2021 2:59 pm
    defense mechanism are not unnecessary, i think the specific things she does are necessary, like ***SPOILER SPOILER*** when she confesses to yuu and grabs his arm and shit, that's not necessary, it's so immature... v05

    Spoiler spoiler Ioool isn’t that already out? And it seems to me you don’t know any spoiler or are part of the raw team since you don’t have how their dynamic is gone change very soon.

    As for you claiming tendou hurting tsubasa that’s right out bullshit, first of all when she pulled yuu’s arms and confessed this had nothing to do wjth tusubasa or what she think her impression of this would be, she only did that action to show Jun that she can move on and that she is stronger than what he think she is. She wants to make their situation less awkward and wanted to stop him from looking at her with pity since that’s one thing she hates and is also her complex. She chose Yuu because of the situation at hand and also their almost comfortable situation. She is very open with Yuu because he knows where she stands with her feeling and where he stands with his so for them there could be no misunderstanding. Bear in mind that Yuu and Tsubasa are in secret relationship she doesn’t know that does actions of her can impact tsubasa unlike you claim. And in terms of other times she might have hurt Tsubasa I think again it be very stupid of her to think about her actions towards her and how it might hurt her because as I said previously ‘A UNWELCOME HELP IS NOT WELCOMED’ why does she need to care about her action when someone thinks they are so good and kind that they have a right to mind other people’s business? Why on earth do you think tendou needs to care about Tsubasa’s feeling when from first place she told her she wants nothing to do with her?

    She is also not hurting anyone else but instead they are all too goody thinking they have any right to mind her business. At least with Yuu she opened up to him. With Jun she learned that she needed help so she reached out for his help. But with that senior or with Tsubasa she never asked for them to get involved.

    You can go ahead and live your life thinking tendou’s character is being rude and hurtful towards others but let me set thing straight for you once again what’s rude is people minding other people’s business without permission or continuously doing so when the person involved asked them not to. Therefore whatever feeling they might develop as result of it is not the persons involved fault or responsibility.

    v05 April 25, 2021 3:09 pm
    Spoiler spoiler Ioool isn’t that already out? And it seems to me you don’t know any spoiler or are part of the raw team since you don’t have how their dynamic is gone change very soon. As for you claiming... Thirsty

    ...i'm one of the translators for this manga:')
    i only marked it as spoiler for people who hadn't yet reached this part of the manga

    i do know what's going to happen soon because i've some friends spoil it for me, **SPOILER SPOILER **and i do know that they become super close friends to the point even yuu gets jealous of how close they become

    i know unwelcome help is unwelcome, and that's why i said tsubasa is immature, and she even says in chapter 194 that she was literally "forcing tendou to be her friend, after showering her with 'unconditional kindness'" i am aware of all this, and don't seem tsubasa as an angel either, so please don't think i'm in favor of tsubasa.

    i think maybe my experience with hurt people didn't let me see tendou the way you see her, thank you for writing this for me. i feel like i can appreciate tendou's character better

    clara April 27, 2021 9:01 am
    To be honest, she is not very hurtful she is straightforward and to the point. She knows her comfort zone and she sets lines and barriers without really leading people on. But she does intentionally say things ... Thirsty

    Can I say u r amazing
    I felt sympathy for tendu and I thought I was just giving excuses
    Iam so glad wrote these words

    美人太陽紗 April 27, 2021 12:47 pm
    Spoiler spoiler Ioool isn’t that already out? And it seems to me you don’t know any spoiler or are part of the raw team since you don’t have how their dynamic is gone change very soon. As for you claiming... Thirsty

    this i good analysis i did not realize all that was tendou doing
    i also thought tendo bad and mean to the friends but i can see not bean and mad but sad sad girl - translator girl also see this and rethink, right? let us be friendly and nice in helping other see different persepctive it is important comment here, very informing and helping thank you thirsty let us be nice in way we speak with others, translate girl from beginning message trying to see other perspective, open mind, so be kind to open mind people i think. i too not think of tendou as nice person, but because translator voice opinion and you voice opinion we all learn, let us be goo to one another please
    also i believe spoilers tag is good because i did not read recent chapters until now, but would have got spoiler unless not marked so i please request spoiler tag

    美人太陽紗 April 27, 2021 12:49 pm
    ...i'm one of the translators for this manga:')i only marked it as spoiler for people who hadn't yet reached this part of the mangai do know what's going to happen soon because i've some friends spoil it for me... v05

    you open mind, i like a lot. you also learn from opinion that you express. everyone in comment hate tendou like me and you got opportunity to be shown sad life of tendou. do not feel bad about strong word message, you great for open mind and seeing perpective

    Thirsty April 27, 2021 1:04 pm
    Can I say u r amazing I felt sympathy for tendu and I thought I was just giving excuses Iam so glad wrote these words ヾ(☆▽☆) clara

    aww thanks, I usually try to not care about the comments since everyone has their own opinion and it's not like someone else word is gone magically again their mind but I'm glad to know that my perspective intake of tendu's character has somehow been beneficial! :D
    thanks for taking your time to read them and for your kind word!

    Thirsty April 27, 2021 1:23 pm
    ...i'm one of the translators for this manga:')i only marked it as spoiler for people who hadn't yet reached this part of the mangai do know what's going to happen soon because i've some friends spoil it for me... v05

    hey, I hope my words did hurt you, cause they were not intended to do so.
    (Your one of the translators but someone else spoiled the manga for you hehe thanks funny)

    first of all, want to thank you for taking your time to help translate this manga. I personally translate the raws and read them up to date so maybe I have this sort of view because I know the story a bit more advance into the future.

    In terms of immaturity, both girls are immature in their own perspective, and to be honest, they have a right to be, they are high school students anyways so we have all been there or are at that stage. we learn from our experinces. it is those immaturities that allow one to grow and learn.

    I honestly try and not take a side between characters or compare them but in my discussions, I was only trying to express Tendou's perspective so even if I came across as I was taking her side it was simply because I wanted to express my perspective on her character. and to be fair I could be wrong, every person has their own view on things so you can continue to hold your own view of her but what I was trying to do was draw out the logic behind your thinking and express my own logic too. so I hope you don't think I was criticizing you in any way.

    I do not know what kind of experience you have with what you define as 'hurt people' but I guess as someone most likely older than then you, my only advice would be that there is no such term. I'm saying this because not to lecture or criticize you but to make you aware that your perspective, labeling, and wording towards other people can hurt them.

    tendou's character has had a rough life and she has done everything in her power to continue living to the best of her ability and so no one has a right to put any sort of label on her, especially things like 'hurt people' - that is usually driving from people who have no idea what that person has gone through but try to judge them base on their own moral and life experiences.

    I'm glad to know that my words have helped open your perspective on tendou's character.