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Is there any other reason why he slept with the girl besides the fact that he's a cheating...

TheDarkAce April 22, 2021 1:29 am

Is there any other reason why he slept with the girl besides the fact that he's a cheating ass hoe? Trying to get my facts straight cause ik y the girl did it but him... Fuck that guy (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
I blame both but more disappointed in the dude

Also it only me that notice the lawyer dude is fucking manipulative with the girl cause I don't see anyone talking abt that in the comments. "Lemme give u all this stuff, oh don't worry abt it you don't need to pay me back, oh yeah I can help you with your parents case. But if you can marry me that would be great, no pressure." Like wtf dude. Haven't read this in a while so I don't remember how much older he was or when they met and if he started grooming her when she was a minor. Pls someone correct me if I'm wrong abt this. ( ̄∇ ̄")
like ik he's trying to help her but... it's toxic af and I'm the first met when she was a minor and he was grooming her... That's some fucked up shit

Thank you for reading my rant, some feedback would be great. For real tho someone correct me if I don't remember something right

    TheDarkAce April 22, 2021 1:31 am

    Ah when I said, "it's toxic af and I'm the first met", I meant, "it's toxic af and if they met"