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A lot of people don't like the uke but I guess because I've seen WAY WORSE that his in the...

Alyss Paradox April 9, 2016 7:00 pm

A lot of people don't like the uke but I guess because I've seen WAY WORSE that his in the upper middle range of my good uke scale. Yeah, he's kinda a douche when it comes to things but you end up seeing that he really is in love regardless of his unfaithful actions. Which for that he makes my good list. Cause trust me. He's one of the better wishy washy. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    ¥401 July 25, 2016 12:58 am

    nah trust me, no matter how you're really in love, infidelity is infidelity, in which in this case, people are very pissed at the uke for cheating on the seme when clearly the seme is devoted to him, and even after his deed, although he was indeed feeling guilty, uke was forgiven too quickly. i dont know (hahaha), if i'll assume that most haters thought of what i just did, i think we could've appreciated the first story if the uke suffered a teensy tiny bit more. [SANS: You feel your sins crawling on your back]