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I read somewhere the first chapter and intrigued so I came for more......but was a bit dis...

Jade-Alexia April 22, 2021 5:45 am

I read somewhere the first chapter and intrigued so I came for more......but was a bit disappointed and I think I will not continue reading it.
Art really good, fl sooo cool, good looking ml and a plot interesting.....
BUT the mc seems to be getting weaker and weaker in order to show the so in love and heroic ml, I mean she has a special identity (don’t want to spoil) that is so op, and she ends up being rescued by a civilian....I mean yeah I guess, WHY?! Then ml is candy, I give it to you, but hell he is annoying, like I want to punch him, and the fact that this is a love at first sight, make the thing even more annoying, like how is it possible, where did your training go for you to fall in love with the one interrupting you, and how do you care about him than anything else!?

All over all the plot I was looking for with a op mc went faaaar in the background (I may exaggerate a bit).

That’s my personal point of view and you may not agree, sorry ... for those who don’t agree I hope you will enjoy your reading because that’s the most important things ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    donaa April 27, 2021 6:47 pm

    I wa just about to click on the first chapter when I saw your comment. Even tho I haven’t read it I’ll give you an upvote just cause what you described is what I’ve seen 80% of the time. Thanks

    Fire4 April 27, 2021 6:50 pm

    Yeah totally agrer

    Fire4 April 27, 2021 6:50 pm

    Yeah totally agree

    Jade-Alexia April 28, 2021 2:26 pm
    I wa just about to click on the first chapter when I saw your comment. Even tho I haven’t read it I’ll give you an upvote just cause what you described is what I’ve seen 80% of the time. Thanks donaa

    Which is a shame. The romance came way too early and it overpowered the other genre which is suspens? Detective? Whatever XD we find ourself not with a 50-50 plot which « could » be logic (like I mean the bombing incident...really?!) but with 75% romance and the other part meh. Truly a shame and I wasn’t looking for the overpowering mc which can do anything like a xmen or terminator. Was just looking for something logic. She seems to have as much emotion as a chair and she goes falling in love with the ml which she find to be a pain....... and hop the curse of love is here, whatever skills you had before love make you all weak is the knees because women should be sugar in front of the man they love (# ̄ω ̄)

    I’ll stop myself here cause I don’t want to spoil the reading for those who like it, and it’s just my personal opinion, but i’m glad to see I’m not alone ◟(๑•ᴗ•)◞

    Kenma lang malakas May 3, 2021 5:20 am

    Totally agree