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First time reader here

✨StarChild✨ April 22, 2021 6:09 pm

Sooo my friend has read this manhwa five times so far, and recommended it to me... after months I finally picked it up and omg I was so impressed! Unlike most yaois these days, it wasn't super rape-y and actually was really cute. Not to mention the art style is more cartoonish and very refreshing to look at compared to other BLs.

I wish there were more manhwas like this one! It followed a nice storyline, the pacing was good for the most part, and the characters were unique. It didn't resort to idiosyncrasies though, and I really felt like there was intimate connection and interaction between them.

I'll probably return to this manhwa sometime in the future. I love it a lot... I think it'll be up there as one of my favorites (▰˘◡˘▰)
