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kinda liked it

NeonTech April 11, 2016 12:11 am

I kinda liked it! I mean i understand why people wanted him to end up with Hoshina... he seemed like a good guy towards the end...
But i like the fact that Miwa didn't change the person he liked so easily. I've read so many manga where the main character gives up really easily and goes back and forth between the person they like. But Miwa honestly seemed like he was just trying to move on.
To be honest both guys that liked Miwa are kinda jerks. Hoshina wanted to go out with him cuz of his body and then got into him cuz Miwa rejected him.
and the other guy Katou well we don't know to much about him but lets be honest he raped him hmm yeah...well...

I may have just depressed myself with my own comment...(''-.-)
anyway it was a good read..

    C Me June 10, 2016 5:27 am

    Thanks for pointing that out, I was actually hating this manga as I was reading it. Was feeling so depressed for Miwa, like damn can anything else go against him? Miwa's only fault was falling in love with a coward who put him in the hands of an opportunist you know what. Regardless of the circumstances as to how these three people came together and somehow came to terms with it. Like you said Miwa as hard as he tried to change his heart he was just not able to. So props to him for accepting a coward who has a lot of growing up to do.