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“don’t date straight men” words to live by right there. as a pan female, I’ve come...

Ethereal April 23, 2021 5:42 am

“don’t date straight men” words to live by right there. as a pan female, I’ve come to the conclusion that If i ever end up with a dude he’s gotta be queer of some sort because straight dudes just...they just not understanding about a lot of stuff (from the ones I’ve known) and very judgmental.

anyway, aside from my new life motto. i loveeeed this it was so cute and the shou was adorable. tho unless i missed it somewhere, i got a bit upset at how they focused on baby’s motto of hating straight men, but ignored the fact that the whole time the dude said sleeping with a guy is fine but he wouldn’t fall in love with one.

is it just me? or was it that he only said that after hearing baby talk about his hate for straights? idk tbh but even so i feel like they could have touched on that point just so that it’s explained. otherwise i really loved it
