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Damn that's f%@ked up

yaoichic April 23, 2021 8:53 am

His granddad gave him to the kidnappers so that they won't take his older brother and his dad has been abusing him since he was a kid with a golf club........ WTF??!! And where the heck was his mom all along, she's so high up in the clouds that she made this happen I'd just throw the whole family away no wonder the in-law cheated with mongmong's sister, they're all f%@ked up. I've heard about tough love but this is waaaaaay passed that but he's brave his dad is a bastard and obviously doesn't care if his kid dies from his abuse but he still chose to keep Mong around I would have just ran away f%@k the family and the mother u can't be that blind to not c ur kid in that state ( ̄へ ̄)
