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Uʀ Fᴜᴅᴀɴsʜi April 23, 2021 4:59 pm

Bloody hell. My tears flowed down when Ian dreamed about getting old and dying in Lou's arms. Fuck it. You know, I didn't regret my soul to read this. Yes. SOUL. This story is wonderful! This story is so fluffy and it's not so heart wrenching, so R-E-A-D I-T

Okay. Spoiler ahead

So like, Lou is a dragon, and Ian is the prince. Those who will worry about these things:

1. Ian vs His uncle/Emperor - don't worry so much. His uncle already planned to give Ian the throne even before he challenged Ian about bringing a dragon. Actually, I'm quite surprised tho. I thought his uncle would never pass his throne to Ian since his Empress advised the Emperor to adopt a son lmao.

2. Ian finding out about Lou being a dragon - To be honest, I was nervous in this part. I thought Ian would felt bad about himself for telling Lou such terrible things that he will never pity a dragon or whatsoever. But don't worry. It turned out well, like smoothly. No depression stuffs.

3. The Empress manipulated the Emperor to burn Ian's Mother's property - Nahh, Lou is there for Ian. All the things that were broken, were kept in their original state. Nothing to worry about it. It just, the sad part is Ian's breakdown. (/TДT)/

4. The ending - It touched my emotions. I cried like my god. It's so fluffy !

