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randomjumble667 April 23, 2021 8:13 pm

Seems a bit of a hedwig and the angry inch situation.. min guns brother was in love with the blondes father and I think used the funeral money to have gender reconstruction surgery so they could marry the father maybe? But obviously that didn’t pan out, and the father rejected them (obviously he was violent with her too as she came home with bruises ) she may not have wanted the surgery but wanted to be with him.

The elder blond brother (I don’t think they’re twins) feels responsible for his fathers actions, somehow, and is trying to be the bigger man, but it comes off as insincere and like he’s acting like the victim in all this.

The redheads brother was super stalker, and to stop him spreading a picture of the sister the younger blond brother beat the crap out of him. Their father payed off the teacher, but the elder blond took responsibility by apologising and maybe the redhead was enamoured with him at first, but grew disillusioned after realising the older blonde has a bad personality which he hides by trying to be the perfect golden boy and is totally insincere..

The older blond thinks that the younger is like their father and will eventually abuse and harm min gun and thus dosnt want them to be together but the sister things the elder blonde is more like the father because he’s trying to control everything..

This is what I think is going on XD

    Rain May 10, 2021 3:25 pm

    thanks for summing it all up, i was rlly fcking confused with the drama

    Kimbo May 10, 2021 3:27 pm

    Ohhhh.....this makes sense now. Thanks for explaining.