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just to be clear this isnt shota right? just a size gap like titans bride?

Mightaswellasin April 24, 2021 3:50 am

just to be clear this isnt shota right? just a size gap like titans bride?

    Leyana April 24, 2021 3:57 am

    I'm not sure either but I think he must be 3rd yr middleschooler or 1st highschooler cuz if he was not he must hv left home of his abusive parents

    Margo April 24, 2021 4:05 am
    I'm not sure either but I think he must be 3rd yr middleschooler or 1st highschooler cuz if he was not he must hv left home of his abusive parents Leyana

    Sometimes it's not that easy to leave abusive situations he could have no where else to go

    Leyana April 24, 2021 4:23 am
    Sometimes it's not that easy to leave abusive situations he could have no where else to go Margo

    Hm not sure about that but that's just my intution as well he also had his mother and his mother stepped in to save him in most cases there is no mother or mother is being abused as well or is abusive so her stepping in also makes me think her child is not old enough to stand up for himself but then again I'm just assuming I'm not sure either