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Honest review (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

I put my grasses on April 24, 2021 8:33 am

Based on the cover I thought it was gonna be such a fluffy wholesome manga that sparks joy in every aspect of the story.
Now, what we get is an annoying uke who solves all his problems by running away and a seme whose mindset seems to be "uke happy, time for sex" (it's literally the plot of ch6)
The second couple wasn't so bad, but Haruto in the first couple's story is a total asshole. He literally molested Yuki so that the seme would make a move? Dafuq is that problem solving?
The characters are all shallow and if you've also been fooled by the cover, let me tell you it's a story about always being anxious, jealous and running away.
