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i really wanted to like this more than i did

aaa April 24, 2021 7:53 pm

I really wanted to like this more than I did ugh It had everything: cute art, cute premise, good pacing (at the beginning), and good characters (at the beginning). Then after Minoh and Junho got together something just... shifted??? As if the author got tired of writing Minoh or their relationship in general I’m appreciative for the hard work the author put into this, but this needed either another 20 chapters to resolve things, or to cut out the entire mess with Changhyun entirely and just focusing on furthering the main relationship and giving Junoh proper development (like, what was up with his “final confrontation” with Jaehee??? It still felt so ambiguous???).

Halfway through I stopped binge reading because I was having fun and moreso only doing it because I really thought Junoh would actually leave Minoh for Changhyun, and that Gitae would suddenly confess to being in love with Minoh lol. And why give Changhyun so many admirers if he won’t even acknowledge them??? Is this a setup for a spinoff or something??? Honestly I liked him a lot more when he was crushing on Minoh and being stupid with Jaehee, and I really thought him and Jaehee would slowly fall in love (it felt like they were together at the end but even that was left ambiguous lol). Again it felt like the author got bored of Minoh and suddenly started shipping Junoh and Changhyun haha.

(God this got so long but I’m so sad I enjoyed it for what it was but it could have been so much more :( and justice for Gitae, the best character that didn’t even show up at the ending!!!)
