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expectedly sweet

Vampire Queen April 14, 2016 12:01 pm

Well its expectedly sweet, judging by sensei's previous works. But I cant understand why people would make assumptions based on the first chapter and their own experiences with BL.

    Mental Nails April 14, 2016 9:49 pm

    I can't understand why you care so much, but since you ask: Sometimes a mangaka will employ a character gap or plot twist to spice things up. Several I've read change their styles completely on occasion. It's not uncommon. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    That Girl Who Reads A Lot April 14, 2016 9:55 pm

    All that and the title includes the word 'cynical', the main character is a little bully and asks the guy who confesses to him for 'submission'. It could have gone either way, TBH.

    Vampire Queen April 15, 2016 6:20 am
    All that and the title includes the word 'cynical', the main character is a little bully and asks the guy who confesses to him for 'submission'. It could have gone either way, TBH. @That Girl Who Reads A Lot

    Actually cynical means to distrusting or disparaging the motives of others. In this instance the bullied guy is cynical about the motives of others that's why he acts the way he does and hides his true personality, the way he acts towards the other main character, asking for submission, he is testing him (in a way). So your argument is not valid.

    Vampire Queen April 15, 2016 6:26 am
    I can't understand why you care so much, but since you ask: Sometimes a mangaka will employ a character gap or plot twist to spice things up. Several I've read change their styles completely on occasion. It's n... Mental Nails

    I know that some authors do have plot twists but the overall writing style never changes by much. Authors that usually write happy, fluffy stories sometimes do drama in their works but the story usually ends happy (and or fluffy).

    Especially mangakas who only have a few works out or are just starting out will continue their writing/drawing style until they are recognized or comfortable enough to change it. Because fans recognise their style.

    Mental Nails April 15, 2016 1:24 pm
    I know that some authors do have plot twists but the overall writing style never changes by much. Authors that usually write happy, fluffy stories sometimes do drama in their works but the story usually ends ha... Vampire Queen

    Alright, so if we're talking about style then Houkago Edge features an adorable but manipulative boy blackmailing his classmate when he catches him cross dressing and Aoharu Cynical starts off with an adorable but manipulative boy who is being bullied and asks his rescuer to submit to him. So there is a pattern there, but again-- not much to go on given that there are only 3-4 chapters of work across 3 different manga on the site and nothing is complete and therefore there is no happy, fluffy ending set as a precedent.

    That said, Shuuden Elegy is pretty fluffy (the first story features an adorable but manipulative boy, in fact, who is pretty much stalking the straight object of his affections) but collections can be a.) all the previously submitted one shots, b.) a chance for the mangaka to explore different themes and tones, and while it says SE came out in 2000 this site is rife with mistakes. BakaUpdate says 2014 but I don't believe that one either.

    The art does stay the same because it builds up the fanbase and is the most recognizable part of the brand, but the style and tone of writing is subject to the whims of editors and readers. New writers are given a chance to find their voice and then given guidance and sometimes will make changes. If an established mangaka loses eyes they're just as likely to get told to change things up as a newbie building an audience. There are plenty of mangaka who switch back and forth between styles-- dark and fluffy-- at various points and that might be a case here.

    Again, hard to say since there's no complete work available to use as a yardstick.

    Mental Nails April 15, 2016 1:39 pm

    Being blunt for a moment, I find 'I can't understand people who say [sthg]' statements so confusing. Are you trashtalking people who think differently or are you genuinely curious? I honestly can't tell so I figured I'd ask rather than posting something similar in another thread. Thoughts?

    Vampire Queen April 15, 2016 1:56 pm
    Being blunt for a moment, I find 'I can't understand people who say [sthg]' statements so confusing. Are you trashtalking people who think differently or are you genuinely curious? I honestly can't tell so I fi... Mental Nails

    Well I am honestly curious about peoples opinions on this subject. Are you by any chance referring to my post on Shuuden Elegy?

    Mental Nails April 15, 2016 2:06 pm
    Actually cynical means to distrusting or disparaging the motives of others. In this instance the bullied guy is cynical about the motives of others that's why he acts the way he does and hides his true personal... Vampire Queen

    So that Anon was me-- had a thought and logging on on a phone is a PITA so I went Anon.

    It sounds like you're looking for a fight but let me say again: You said in your OP that you 'can't understand why people think [sthg]' and I'm not arguing with you I'm just trying to explain why after reading the first chapter I posted that I thought this would go in a dark direction. A cute character who who is cynical and asks his protector to be submissive sounds sketchy. It just does. I'm not going to assume otherwise based on what little of Muno I've read, and the fact that I'm not sure only means she's a good writer because I'm curious to see what comes next. Hope that clears things up for you!

    In future, though, as someone who is just so fucking tired of all the passive aggressive bullshit I see on this site, if you are genuinely curious and don't understand someone's opinion I suggest you take a chance and engage. Or conversely if you're trying to opinion shame people think for a second about whether you're adding worth to a discussion or just being a whiny little brat because that's how it sounds to someone who can't see your face or hear your voice. Just a thought.

    Vampire Queen April 15, 2016 2:30 pm
    So that Anon was me-- had a thought and logging on on a phone is a PITA so I went Anon. It sounds like you're looking for a fight but let me say again: You said in your OP that you 'can't understand why people ... Mental Nails

    I'm not fighting I have no idea what part of what I said came off as being argumentative or you are just misunderstanding.
    It sounds to me that you are getting upset over a difference of opinion, and I don't agree with you for the most part.
    Not everyone will have the same opinion as you so don't get offended when they do if this so called passive/aggressive talk is annoying you you are free to not comment or comment anyway (I don't mind). ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~