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i am from nepal. watching this manga made me have many mixed feelings with the way it's pr...

sakhi April 25, 2021 6:22 am

i am from nepal. watching this manga made me have many mixed feelings with the way it's presented. Just to get you all informed, nowadays the KUMARIS are given the freedom to have education, play, etc. I have personally met the kumari of kathmandu in real life. Talking about Kumari to be not allowed to laugh seems to be true I guess, cause when I meet her, she was always expressesionless. the thing about curse after the mensuration seems to be believed in the past but nowadays even after the kumari is retired she is still respected.And it is false that the one who must be kumari must be from sita caste but I think it must be shakya caste in general. Still i am always so mad about the hindu religion in general for considering all the women during the period as impure. We are not even allowed to enter the kitchen and the temple areas as it is considered sin towards the god. I am tired of telling my parents that there nothing as sin cause we were made this way by the god himself, it's a natural phenomena but sadly non of the elders believe in me.

    Ainekomoishuu June 3, 2021 2:45 pm

    I believe in you. Trust yourself and your belief.

    nightmare July 21, 2021 2:26 pm

    true we arent allowed inside the temples and also previously they werent allowed into the house itself but luckily for me its not that strict so its okay but its sad that there are people who still follow these especially in rural areas