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seyma April 15, 2016 1:34 pm

Hi, help! I'm looking for a yaoi manga that they are all in the same school but there is one or two years apart between them. They are brothers or really close friends. Younger one have a boyfriend from school and Older one loved him not in love or had a brother complex if they were brothers or just didn't want to see someone that periocus to him having fun without him. (I really can't remember what they were) Younger one and his boyfriend often goes somewhere that they were alone and he always goes to their side, they find it annoying but can't do anything about it. And older one has a friend which is in love with him, his friend confession or somehow he founds his friends feeling about him. At first he thinks he doesn't see his friend in that way but later he realizes his feelings and they become a couple. And there is scene like after he start to date with his friend he doesn't go to their sides like he used to do it and younger one is kind sulk about it.
