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Take a step back

Sailrjup12 April 15, 2016 6:52 pm

Yoshimi might have been an egocentric brat but we have to realize he was only 16, many kids act that way at that age, plus its important to remember that he was a sickly child that almost died and because of this his parents over indulged him because they were so happy he survived. It's obvious that as an adult he had become a hardworking good man, as Mashiro said.
Mashiro and Akito had separated and had an agreement about their relationship. I am sure Akito was hooking up with other people as well. Their relationship was based more on the kidnapping incident so in the end it is really questionable what the feeling were based on.
When you fall in love with someone you fall in love and there is nothing you can really do but sit back and enjoy or accept the ride.
(^3^)chu( ̄∇ ̄")
