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Had the chance to be better.

Luna April 16, 2016 3:48 am

Not thrilled with this. The uke showed nothing but irritation towards the seme. This did not come off as the normal "We're siblings" stuff because normally the one thinking that has inner thoughts and shows attraction. He didn't. He was keeping the seme away, he choice to ignore him and go home by himself, then he's nearly raped and desperately succeeds in stopping it, but then suddenly he's in love with the seme?! WHEN?! Nothing, nothing at all said this was the case! This had the chance for the seme to untie the uke and walk out and leave, the uke to avoid him, and then the seme move out. Leading to the uke to eventually break down in anger because the seme is selfish. Of course after like what three more chapters would the uke naturally fall in love with the seme, but only after more then likely a small time skip where the seme appears to have given up on the uke, and in the end the passionate sex scene. That I think would have been MUCH better.

    Callisto January 4, 2017 3:45 pm

    I agree, I was like "Whu-what? When did the uke fall in love?"