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I have questions. So why tf is she so damn naive and slow, like no offense but yea. Like s...

Rosetta red April 25, 2021 5:06 pm

I have questions. So why tf is she so damn naive and slow, like no offense but yea. Like she should at least know technique from being a sword. Like did she only purify, what kind of sword is she. Also how does she know all these people after being a sword, and she isn’t a badass whose smart as hell. Like being a sword should’ve taught you some shit about people. also swords don’t have emotions, so how she all like that it’s just weird to me idk. Like a background of her trying to understand human emotions would be so fucking dope. As well as her using her powers to help people. Or she can come to understand the world more using her knowledge as a sword. She’s definitely older than 18 being a sword I was expecting wisdom. I don’t mind her personality but this happens so often. girls go from badass for a few chapters to slow the entire story. They go from slow to damsel in distress 24/7. From left to right, like they’re suppose to be great fighters and bad asses, then they’re saved by the dude the entire story. I’m not hating on the story, I’m just hoping this doesn’t end up like one of those stories. I just hope she becomes a bad ass before she developes a hopeless damsel in distress personality. I actually enjoyed the few chapters I read and hope it updates soon. I just hope it doesn’t piss me off like most stories .

    Rosetta red April 25, 2021 5:13 pm

    P.s I’m not saying that her personality is legit trash. because it isn’t, I actually like the story if you didn’t read all of what I said lmaooo. The stories pretty good I just hope she doesn’t become slow on top of being naive. these are just my opinions for this.