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Oushi is such a cute character but kinda hate how he talks to her (๑•ㅂ•)و he prob...

jen April 25, 2021 7:37 pm

Oushi is such a cute character but kinda hate how he talks to her (๑•ㅂ•)و he probably gave her some traumas when they were little being like that

    Mitsubachi April 25, 2021 9:15 pm

    Exactly! From the beginning I have not liked how isolating Oushi is to Yuki. From Oushi's perspective Oushi is the knight in armour to Yuki the damsel in distress. He aims to keep Yuki in that role under the pretext of protecting her. In the end his actions are self serving, to make him feel better about himself.

    On the other hand, Itsuomi exposes Yuki to new things and challenges. Allowing Yuki to develop into her own knight in shinning armour. Encouraging her to step out of her comfort zone and become a better version of herself. Itsuomi may lend a supportive hand but the effort is all Yuki.

    Lolo April 26, 2021 12:29 am
    Exactly! From the beginning I have not liked how isolating Oushi is to Yuki. From Oushi's perspective Oushi is the knight in armour to Yuki the damsel in distress. He aims to keep Yuki in that role under the pr... Mitsubachi

    I 100% agree