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I am happy that they are back together and all...but now we have the problem of the longev...

Jade-Alexia April 26, 2021 11:32 am

I am happy that they are back together and all...but now we have the problem of the longevity back!?
(ಥ﹏ಥ) no i can’t stand an ending with one dying of old age whereas the other one is waiting

    raqchealv April 26, 2021 11:56 am

    No he's still a river god, his appearance just changed back to the original. When Shuyin sacrificed himself it was able to happen because his soul was like in River or something.

    Jade-Alexia April 26, 2021 1:02 pm
    No he's still a river god, his appearance just changed back to the original. When Shuyin sacrificed himself it was able to happen because his soul was like in River or something. raqchealv

    Ooooh I hope it’s true! Because the « I’m back in my body » confused me and scared me (°ロ°) !
    But if you tell me he just regained his apparence all is goooood!