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Since the author used a classic plot twist in mystery novels, I had a feeling as to who th...

Shiranami April 18, 2016 3:31 pm

Since the author used a classic plot twist in mystery novels, I had a feeling as to who the wolf might be, but then the author pulled a few things out of nowhere that made no sense.

Spoiler alert:
1. Since Hajime is a detective, he is no stranger to corpses so when they discovered Rei's "body" in the beginning, Hajime should have immediately been able to tell if this was just a dummy or Rei faking it. Also, they had no problem lugging the former wolf's body to use his barcode, but never even attempted to move Rei's body.
2. Even if baggy clothes can hide the body shape, they cannot hide body height so whenever "Rabbit-san" showed up, anyone would be able to tell that "Rabbit-san" is kind of small, especially when Rei is the one in the Rabbit suit. Moreover, even if a girl has a more powerful weapon, guys still have a body mass and strength advantage and if the weapon is heavier, the girl will have an even greater disadvantage.
3. Why did Rei even bother calling the police? What development did the author achieve by having Rei "save" them only to kill them again? Moreover, coming from a biomedical background and assuming the doctors at the hospital are competent, Mitsuki would be in a physiological coma, not psychogenic, which means that she needs to at least recover from her physical injury that induced the coma before even waking up.

    Shiranami April 18, 2016 3:36 pm

    For those who are interested to know what this pays homage to, I recommend "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie, but be forewarned that this is an old novel so the style might be a difficult read for the younger generation.

    Nobody July 10, 2016 11:59 pm
    For those who are interested to know what this pays homage to, I recommend "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie, but be forewarned that this is an old novel so the style might be a difficult read for t... @Shiranami

    But that one was way too easy to figure out who the killer was

    notyurinotinterested June 22, 2018 1:33 am
    But that one was way too easy to figure out who the killer was Nobody

    It was harder to figure out who the killer was in that story than it was in this one.