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Literally, the time Naoi walked in, I've had my hand held to my mouth because what if Rin ...

nikoruouji April 20, 2016 7:58 pm

Literally, the time Naoi walked in, I've had my hand held to my mouth because what if Rin were to be awake through all that?! Such trauma that kid would have.
But still... poor sensei Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Zoey Zoey Zoey April 21, 2016 5:51 am

    Once my daughter walked in on her dad and I having sex-I was so freaked. I couldn't say we were snuggling bc I left her dad when she was w baby. We just still slept together occasionally. He had forgotten to lock the bathroom door so she came in through he bathroom and yelled "get off of her"!! I think I told her we were wrestling and bc we were under the covers and I had a long nightgown on I just pulled it down real quick and rushed her out of the room so her dad could put his pants back on. I was so worried she'd be upset but she totally forgot about it. It was a long time before I let him touch me again and I made sure all the doors were locked.

    nikoruouji April 21, 2016 11:42 pm
    Once my daughter walked in on her dad and I having sex-I was so freaked. I couldn't say we were snuggling bc I left her dad when she was w baby. We just still slept together occasionally. He had forgotten to lo... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    But c'mon this is yaoi not IRL stuff LOL. I'm p sure Rin would remember at least this.
    You're story is cracking me up. Omfg. <3 (≧∀≦)
    Idk if it's intended to be funny, but you got me hella laughing and this made my day.