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Did the artist make a mistake and interchanged Samantha 's and Tess's physical appearance...

ren April 28, 2021 1:11 pm

Did the artist make a mistake and interchanged Samantha 's and Tess's physical appearances ?? ( on last page ) Tess should be around 25 yo and Samantha 's about 12 minimum. Tess was 23 when she got pregnant, and maybe she was 24 when she gave birth , and the baby Samantha is holding is about 1 year old ? So Tess must be just 25, and Samantha 's 12 yearls old. And the parents are leaving the 12 yo kid to take care of a 1 yo baby , alone in the house? I'd like to believe there's a housekeeper somewhere in the house, but not shown..... they are residing in the US... it's illegal for minors to be left alone in the house, you know.

    Steph July 20, 2021 5:57 am

    It's actually legal for minors 13 years old & above to babysit. 10 months pregnancy, up to 2 years old infant, if Samantha was closer to 11 years old, it does add up.