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Bread sauce

Pancakepuff April 28, 2021 7:57 pm

First of all: "each bang deformed my butt".
This sentence will stay with me forever haha.
With that out of the way:
This story was weak and I don't get how it got a rating like that. It's boring, senseless and rides on stupid misunderstandings. The café is supposed to be important but all they ever talk about is bread sauce. Bread sauce all the fucking time. Then there is the main couple. Weak story, stupid ass reasons for their problems and continiously misunderstandings and jumping to completely unreasonable conclusions. Then there is this weird stuff like selling your sex toy at work?! No normal person would do that? Its so fucking weird. Then there is this completely unnessecary incident in the end with the shit costumer, meh. Then there is the sidecouple... Yeah i dont really have anything to say about that.. All in all, the thing there was most of in this story was bread sauce.

    AilynnHollow April 29, 2021 8:20 pm

    Me too dude I was lured here by the eating (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻. N as I had started it it didn't feel good dropping either so I had to glide though this (/TДT)/