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I obsessed on Bibi years and years ago, but the lack of updates dampened my enthusiasm. ...

ren April 29, 2021 4:30 am

I obsessed on Bibi years and years ago, but the lack of updates dampened my enthusiasm. 2016 was the last year with some major updates, then just one in 2020, and so far 2 in 2021.

Anyways, about the main characters........... I'm hating on Eunbi, the love rival of Nabi. She is relentlessly , unapologetically and openly pursuing Jehoo no matter how many times Jehoo rejects her. Eunbi is depending on Jehoo's consideration for their longtime childhood friendship. Here's the deal, though....... Jehoo's rejection is lame and not convincing enough....... there are instances, in fact, where Eunbi and Jehoo act as if they are a couple. This almost led to Nabi's and Jehoo's break-up. Jehoo has never avoided Eunbi's attemps to get close to him, which lead to quite a few major misunderstandings, like going to Eunbi's bedroom , just the two of them alone even if he knows temptation may arise in that kind of situation.

I don't fully trust Jehoo that he will always do right by Nabi. And though I am aware that Nabi and Jehoo are the ending couple ( not even sure about this ) , I've been informed that Eunbi does not actually give up on her pursuit of Jehoo up to the end of the story.
