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It's true that Keiichi should have showed more emotion when Shingo came to him crying. Yes...

Kuro-sama April 23, 2016 6:29 pm

It's true that Keiichi should have showed more emotion when Shingo came to him crying. Yes, it's only Shingo basically pouring himself at Keiichi's feet yet Keiichi should have admitted he was an idiot for acting like he was and even left Shingo behind (Yes I also know he asked him to come) At least he showed emotion of sadness in his eyes then I figured that maybe he didn't want to lose his composure in front of everyone there. Every couple will have their problems which I understand Keiichi that he meant by 'Might happen again' weather if it's coming home smelling like someone else (we can't say forsure Keiichi cheated because he was around a certain someone) or insecurities, if they really love each other they will work through it. I was also hoping Keiichi would explain his actions as well rather than being like a heartless robot, if not in the room then in the last chapter coming. I'm hoping he would open himself up as well and just make up properly with Shingo rather than one being to blame. Keiichi, time to get off your high horse!
