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Okie so I’m a bit confused

Namjõõnsprëcům April 30, 2021 11:50 pm

As a knight who is loyal to the real princess wouldn’t you follow her decisions to the T as long as the person isn’t an idiot or a danger??? What doesn’t make sense to me is the fact that A has been constantly trying to push Mia in to hell. He wants her to be outcasted, her wants her to make bad decisions, he literally waited a long ass time to look for her when she’s missing. Now I know she’s not the real princess but she’s literally the princesses hand picked substitute. If something went wrong not only would it reflect badly on Mia but the princess as well. Plus it seems he’s been really shitty at actually figuring out what kind of person Mia is (like he said he was going to do), all he does is “situation comes up, treat her like shit and hope she fails”. He doesn’t even really take an effort to monitor her and figure what kind of person she is ._.
