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Not related to manga. A sis needs acedemic help.

jjosjso April 30, 2021 7:02 pm

Honestly this doesn't seem like a correct place to ask but I don't have any other place to ask help lmao and it's for my essay so if you can help I appreciate it.
If you were to define Idealism to be overrated and bad, how would you?

    Grizleebear April 30, 2021 7:12 pm

    If idealism is to be overrated and bad, then i would say that idealism is a fabricated mindset that traps the mind of the people in this false hope and security of what is actually the reality is. It is overrated in a way that it is what people resort to in order to avoid what must be confronted thus having this filtered illusion of the world that results to naivety, ignorance, priveleged, and unenlightened from the facts of the world.

    Hinata April 30, 2021 7:12 pm

    I cant do anything but Goodluck in your essay, juat a little moral support moment

    jjosjso April 30, 2021 7:15 pm
    If idealism is to be overrated and bad, then i would say that idealism is a fabricated mindset that traps the mind of the people in this false hope and security of what is actually the reality is. It is overrat... Grizleebear

    Thank you for taking ur time to reply <3

    jjosjso April 30, 2021 7:16 pm
    I cant do anything but Goodluck in your essay, juat a little moral support moment Hinata

    Aww thank youuu I really appreciate it

    Dark coffee April 30, 2021 7:54 pm

    Idealism is made based on people's wants and expectations and something to achieve however it becomes overrated when that kind of idea's becomes their standard and expect quality results and refuse to accept others because of substandard and unacceptable results, for this reason it may cause them anxiousness, self doubt,less appreciation towards others

    I don't know if it helps

    Kash April 30, 2021 7:56 pm

    Idealism is an ideal concept... In this world ideal is used for Non-existance.... Whether it comes for science(ideal gas) or any other area....

    YAOI JUNKIE April 30, 2021 8:19 pm

    i think idealism is way overrated cause it causes use to have an unrealistic views and expectations, and we go out in life with those views and expectations only to be sorely disappointed and unable to adjust because it wasn't what we imagined it to be. And when our expectation aren't met then it can have a disastrous impact on our mental health and stress you out cause things aren't going the way you expect it to or a project isn't coming out how you wanted it or you can't find the right shade for an art piece it just too much

    Grizleebear May 1, 2021 4:27 am
    Thank you for taking ur time to reply <3 jjosjso

    Welcs, i hope it helps