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"Friend zone"

Aiya-chan April 25, 2016 2:07 pm

A couple of comments here mention "the friend zone". That makes me kinda sad and irritated, hate that bullshit idea. It is such a degrading concept, for both genders. Imply that a woman can't have any value as a friend or as a person and a man would never even bother with a female if there isn't some sort of sexual motive about it. Sad interpretation of the the world. It is also a concept that is used to complain about females who don't reward "good behaviour" with sex. I'm gonna quote Dylan Garity's slam poetry called friend zone (google it, available on YouTube): "Sex is not a transaction".

I don't now about you but me, I'm a fabulous fucking person. I'm intelligent and charming and interesting and funny and knowledgeable and open minded and understanding and empathetic and there are a thousand freaking reasons someone would want to spend time with me completely without some ulterior motive of getting in my pants. And I refuse to get degraded to some fuckdoll who's only value lies in whether someone can stick their dick in me.

Ever thought about the fact that non straight girls don't use this concept about their love interests? Why you think that is? Could it be because they view other girls as actuall human beings, like actually real persons with real feelings and thoughts and dreams and wishes of their own?

As a citizen of one of the most equal countries in the world, this is why I need feminism. Because I'm a real person that matters not some thing for males to stick their freaking cocks in.

Cute manga thoug. <3

    ISHIPTHEM May 25, 2016 9:33 pm

    i just read the first three words
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    luvevul January 3, 2021 10:45 pm
    laaaaazzyyyyyyi just read the first three words ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ @ISHIPTHEM

    Great! Congratulations!