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please help me find this yaoi !

Skaziia May 1, 2021 12:53 am

ok so ive read this a while back and its been on my mind for a whiileee now, but i cant seem to remember the name and i only remember one scene thats (i think) at the very start, its a threesome yaoi, 2 semes, 1 uke.

ok so the scene i remember is the two semes fighting over something (i think whos gonna put it first) and the uke blurts out something along thr lines of “why can you both do it at the same thing?” and this is gonna sound cringey but the semes got “turned on” and then it moves into the next scene which is nsfw, im pretty sure its black and white yaoi, no colors

please help! just send anything that sounds familiar and hopefully its the same ! ive been trying to find this for a while and i just cant seem to find it, thank u guys !!
