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i really didn't like this manga . first of all , they just meet and he's already in love w...

hanen May 1, 2021 6:12 am

i really didn't like this manga . first of all , they just meet and he's already in love with him like how . also that ungrateful annoying kid , like your father stayed with you and raised you for 16 years and he didn't Abandon you like your mother and sacrifice every thing for you and then you go and say that everyone leaves him and he's bad or horrible when you lied to him. like imagine your kid wanting you to get married so they can get rid of you i mean he's your father he has the right to be concern about you and your future . also i didn't understand how they could have sex right after the kid run away and said all those terrible thing to his father .
i don't think it deserve 9.2 star

    Avocato77 May 1, 2021 8:11 am


    Nishii May 3, 2021 8:12 am

    I think you misunderstood the kid, he probs want to be independent and not rely on his father anymore so he took a job. We all grow up and need to be independent sometime right? He can't just live with his father forever he'll eventually have to leave him and have a job and life on his own. He didn't want to get rid of him he just wants his father to be happy and have someone with him before he leaves.

    His father fully knows that, he probs got "mad" cause he didn't need to go to that extent for him and that he can still rely on him. And ofc the kid got mad cause he's this kind and that he should have a happy life on his own, basically a fight of them being kind to each

    And lets just think they fell in love at first sight lol then fell in love through the more they meet

    Nishii May 3, 2021 8:20 am
    I think you misunderstood the kid, he probs want to be independent and not rely on his father anymore so he took a job. We all grow up and need to be independent sometime right? He can't just live with his fath... Nishii

    Also bout the s3x thingy I think it's because inukai calmed him down and made him understand what his son really meant to him, then ofc as the mood of inukai calming him and letting him know he's a good father and a person and goes went eventually to s3x lol

    Maggot May 13, 2021 7:29 pm

    From my perspective, it seemed like the kid felt like a burden. Like as if we was holding back his dad from being in a relationship/having a normal life. From what he said, it seems like he wished he wasn't born because of this. Maybe thats why he wanted to leave, so he wouldn't be a "bother" anymore. But idk ig it depends on how u interpret it.

    Lihua May 14, 2021 4:53 am

    Well it's a common love at first sight trope nothing wrong with that
    About the kid well he's a KID they make mistakes as the parent you bought them onto this world & it's ur responsibility to guide them which the mc is a great dad but sometimes kids wanna do their own thing and they can end up saying hurtful things to their parents during arguments & they made up anyway at the end of the day
    If you can't understand the kid
    Either 1.your still too young yourself to understand human behavior lack experience basically the same thing as no. 1

    hanen May 14, 2021 11:29 am
    Well it's a common love at first sight trope nothing wrong with that About the kid well he's a KID they make mistakes as the parent you bought them onto this world & it's ur responsibility to guide them whi... Lihua

    no it's just a bad writing story. so you're telling me that it's a human behavior that when your son run away you go and have sex. and also there's a difference between wanting your father to be happy and wanting to be free from them