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so good

aaa May 1, 2021 10:20 am

I’m so happy I read this; it’s one of the most well written bl comics I’ve read. The pacing, the storytelling, the characterizations, ugh everything was just so complex and intriguing that I couldn’t put it down; it seriously had the feel of an actual medieval fantasy novel! Im so happy for Ryan and Noah/El; they made me so nervous because I never knew how it was gonna end (great writing though), but I’m so satisfied and happy

Also, I get that people might not like this because of Vichid and his ending, which I get, but I don’t think the author was trying to romanticize his and Ian’s dynamic. Even when they’re in a “relationship” Ian states that he feels hollow and less like himself; Bella even says he’s become “filthy” just like Vichid. Their dynamic is clearly unhealthy and the entire situation is full of nuance and complexities. Again, you can hate Vichid and his happy ending (I do!), but I don’t think it’s fair to blame the author.

(My only complaint is I wish the twins got a better ending lol those poor kids got the worst one At least they’re happy and have each other???)
