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Weirdly good protagonist

Exploits May 1, 2021 1:42 pm

i read the other manga adaptation and it's very weird how radically different they portray Wazu. This one is much more comical with him aiming for a harem, yet hes nothing like that piece of shit Issei from DxD. I actually like this guy and hope Wazu gets a happy ending.
You know so many people are giving him shit about his fiance who the hero wanted, but I understand. come on guys, he was a villager who was worthless. For so long he was hoping his fiance still liked him and not change her opinion so seeing the hero, a man he compared himself to and found to be better in everyway, and not see an outright rejection made him feel insecure, that he wasn't worthy of her. He's had those feelings for so long and without her there to explicitly state how she felt of course he would assume her feelings would change.
