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inumaki May 1, 2021 3:18 pm

Motoharu's "love" felt sooo disingenuous until that little intro note by the author saying people complained about their tops being too "mean" or "good for nothing" (forgot the exact wording but yeah) idk this author seemed really into the whole cheating thing so when motoharu started acting all loyal and chivalrous out of nowhere it felt so.. insincere :/

    KurooTsukkiStan June 6, 2021 8:21 pm

    I agree! I was so mad I couldn’t tell if motoharu was actually going to cheat with his ex or scare him. If I were in that relationship at the beginning, I’d dump motoharu because I would be convinced that he’d wouldn’t love me as much and he didn’t respect me. I’m glad to see he valued kouta more especially when he was afraid kouta would leave him when he became amnesiac