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Thanks uploaders/translators etc

Mastheto May 2, 2021 6:32 pm

For allowing us to read this.
Personally I was saddened by that ending.. since there's so many legitimate struggles in the story and we all waited so long it felt very sad. But it wasn't a bad ending at all really.
And the fan ending, I actually think that made me feel sadder because it was like a 'what if' scenario *cries*
But I appreciated it also, and it was brief just like the true ending. No waffle just straight to the point! It suited deadlock quite well!!
Is there more volumes of the manga, ie is this the end end or is there more story to come?

    raindragon May 2, 2021 6:43 pm

    this is the end of the prison arc

    Mastheto May 4, 2021 10:23 pm
    this is the end of the prison arc raindragon

    Thanks for the info.
    Also thanks for your work on this project for the last while. I see you take a lot of time responding to people's comments too even though some people are rude about various things.
    Thank you, we who have been waiting a long time for this really appreciate you.