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Story Idea

Pip May 2, 2021 11:47 pm

Okay so I just come up with this idea and I kinda wanna see it as a manga/webtoon.

So the idea is, there's this dude and he has to find an angel (or could be something else like a demon to kill ect. Ect.) to either pass over or become an official officer angel(?) person (or whatever) but anyways he finds the angel but the angel is a human girl and she's ugly. He acts like he loves her and says it's love at first sight, it's not he just wants to use her, and they date in the long run but he actually falls in love. The girl finds out and she get mad ofc and in the long run they make up and actually have a happy relationship.

I can't draw and I can't really write but I would love to have this as a webtoon/manga. Is there any manga/webtoon like this at all?? I would totally read it.
