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Help me minna~ TToTT

Matsumatsu May 1, 2016 12:10 pm

So i think it's the second couple but the seme found the uke outside the shop or somethin, and he fell in love with the uke. But then the uke is together with his cousin akira is the name of cousin. Akira hurts uke so it's like the seme and uke got together but at the grave, uke saw akira and he still got back with akira. Stupid isn't it?

Sorry my explanation gone wrong teehee~ i really wanna beat the uke into a pulp cuz he left the hard working seme. Oh! But the seme got together with the taylor's bro(?), but the last time I checked it, it's not yet translated. The first story is about taylor xD thanks a bunch!
