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Reading any shounen manga with a strong female character is already rare let alone a whole...

Shiranami May 2, 2016 1:46 am

Reading any shounen manga with a strong female character is already rare let alone a whole cast of them ranging from already strong to coming-of-age to support and even weak characters. Amazing job Yagi-sensei!

Spoiler Alert: I have mixed feelings about Yagi-sensei cheating by bringing Teresa back especially when Clare's awakened form looked nothing like Clare's partial awakening in Pieta. I do not mind the idea of Clare materializing her form in Teresa's likeness due to her near-worship attitude, but I am unhappy that Yagi-sensei did so by throwing away Clare's true awakened form.

Moreover, why did he let Cynthia survive when Uma help repair over half her body after the Lucille/Rapheala thing awakened, but let Tabatha die after Priscilla cut her? The severity of the wounds are comparable! Do not even get me started on Clarice. She was starting to become stronger like Clare and then Yagi-sensei...argh!
