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ehhhhh (am not a fan :( )

Evie (JAYFG/IAYGFN) May 3, 2021 4:28 pm

Not a fan, I liked it at first but I feel like everything became bad around the time, the black-haired dude got involved. In my opinion, their relationships (or rather contact) started happening too quickly in too high of a frequency. It really took me out of the story. Because at the moment, he is in almost every chapter, but his character development/our knowledge of him is so limited. To me, it feels like replacing him with a cutout cardboard thingy would make no difference to the story.

The MC also gets too many wins far too easily. It doesn't even feel like there are any steaks, I just know "yep, she will win once again", I don't have any reason to care and to root for her cuz she will win, either way, I'm confused about the curse. Does the hair grow back, does she have to get it waxed a lot? How did she wax around her eyes? How is her skin like that? Shouldn't it be insanely pale (if her mother had darker skin and she is mix raced and has darker skin, it should have at least had a colder tone to it, so like she doesn't have to be white but instead of having warm skin, it should be cold since the sun wouldn't get to it.)

I like it when there is planning, I like it when the Mc is clever and when we get to see that. But here things seem to be happening for no reason. And she seems to just stumble onto things. The author depicted some instances of cleverness but there seems to have been very little done about that.

How did the Mc know how to act like a noble, does her being a possessor come into the story?

And here is the thing, the author has a lot of good elements to play on.

3/5 because any lower than that would be mean
