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HELP researching two smut/mature webtoon written by the same author

i need to study May 3, 2021 5:22 pm

Ok so not long ago I did read two books from a same author (the drawing of the characters were alike)

The first one was about a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes getting turned on by doing it in public places like a subway or train and there she met a hot guy that have white hair and blue eyes, he gave her the ticket of his company which is actually a thing where you can have sexual intercourses with other hot looking guys that works there lmao

The second, i dont remember it well but it's about a girl that goes to a place where they do massages, again it turns out sexual, and she have starts to have a crush about a employee there that is a redhead (i think) and that frequently massages her ; she also have a cute sexfriend that gets turned on when he is dominated

Plz i wanna know the names ╥﹏╥
