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Its me again help po

†ʜAᴋAɱ (눈‿눈). May 4, 2021 8:29 am

Does anyone know or remember the title of this?

"The main char this is human teacher male he is a coward just seeing monster even deep inside of him is a monster he got enroll there as a teacher in monster school coz of the principal"

"A human teacher teach monster student.
Only the principal know he is a human.
The principal had a black cat pet.
The black cat pet protect human teacher
Principal give him a perfume so he can hide his human sent
There a girl fox student love shinny things..
They even go to the fildtrip on how they tame or catch ghost
And monster student they been trapped in house".

That all i remember i forgot the title..the cover be like orange the human teacher holding a cat or principal hold the black cat its like a webtoon
